Where are you?

We are located at 614 Pecan Street in Wharton, TX. The church is very hard to miss as you drive by. You can click here for a Google Map of our location.


What is a typical Sunday morning schedule?

Fast Version:

  • Classes and Sunday School: 9:00 AM
  • Divine Service: 10:00 AM


Detailed Version:

We have Bible Classes for all ages at 9:00am. Adults meet in our parish hall for a class lead by the pastor. Children meet in age-appropriate groups in the education wing and are taught by volunteers who have deep love and care for children. Our Middle and High School students meet with their own teacher, and occasionally join in the adult class.


Classes go from 9:00am to about 9:45. 


The Divine Service starts at 10:00am sharp. We broadcast our service through KULP radio (106.7 FM & 1390 AM) for community members who cannot make it to the service.


What you can expect during a service:

We have a Divine Service each Sunday at 10:00am. On the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month we also celebrate with Holy Communion.


How long does a service last?

Services tend to last about 60-90 minutes. (1-1.5 hours)


What about kids?

We strive to be kid friendly! Children are part of the family, and we all are part of the family of God. Families with small children are encouraged to sit towards the front of the sanctuary where the little ones can see and hear what is going on. We encourage children to remain in the sanctuary during the service to hear God’s Word. The normal noises that children make are expected and welcomed as part of raising a family. As the pastor says, “I’ve got a microphone – I can be louder than the kids!”


There are some seats in the back for families who may wish to use them. We have a ‘cry room’ available for the times when a child needs a little extra attention before rejoining us.


There is a short children’s message each Sunday before the sermon for the children.  


What’s the service like?

We typically follow an order of service from our hymnal, The Lutheran Service Book (LSB). Much of our service is based around hearing God’s Word and responding with thanks and prayers. Our services have music and spoken parts that have their roots in the very words of Scripture. As we learn the service, the service serves as a model and training for how we communicate with God.


How do people normally dress?

We are a true “Come as you are” congregation. People arrive dressed in suits and ties down to cargo shorts, jeans and t-shirts. The majority of the men wear a buttoned shirt or polo, with anything from slacks to jeans. The women go from ‘dressy’ to ‘girls night out’. Modest discretion is appreciated since the sanctuary is the house of the Lord.  Regardless of how you dress, we are delighted to see and serve you.


Can I take communion?

The Lord’s Supper is a Gospel gift. It is given to strengthen faith and to forgive sins. It is also an expression of the unity we enjoy in the Church as we are of “one mind.” St. Paul admonishes those who commune to “discern the body (of Christ) in the Sacrament.” (1 Cor 11:28-29)  Thus, instruction in the Word is necessary prior to one receiving the body and blood of Christ. Therefore, those who commune at the Lord’s Table should be properly instructed and they should be in agreement in doctrine and practice. We ask that those who are not confirmed members of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, or, of another church body with whom we have fellowship, refrain from taking the Sacrament. This practice is often referred to as “closed” or “close” communion, which was the practice of the early church and has long been the practice of orthodox Christianity. Any questions regarding our communion practice may be directed to our Pastor, who will be delighted to meet with you and assist you with your spiritual needs.