Immerse comes with one very powerful and useful resource: Pastor Lutjens!


Each week as you read, gather together and talk, and think about what you’ve Immersed yourself in, you are invited to write down questions and concerns to send them to Pastor Lutjens. He will then incorporate those into the Adult Sunday School classes, sermons, and of course answer privately or as otherwise appropriate.


Children are encouraged to participate along with their families. For the children, we have a family reading guide with shortened readings appropriate for younger readers. A copy of this can be downloaded here: POETS FAMILY GUIDE. If you like, the church office will be happy to print off a copy for you. Please just let them know.


Each Week, you can watch a 2-3 minute trailer video for the upcoming week’s reading. These short videos will provide background context and preview some key ideas to pay attention to as you read.

The Immerse Audio Bible is available for free online and by podcast. It is the first audio edition that uses natural literary structures instead of chapters and verses to guide the reading. Five different voice narrators keep things fresh and exciting so you can have a great experience listening to the Bible.  The video AND Audio Bibles can be found HERE.



For those who prefer, eBook versions are also available to purchase through a number of retailers. Those retailers can can be found here.