The Immerse experience involved far more than just reading a series of books. It is a part of a spiritual journey as we read God’s word and are changed by it. Immerse is built on three core ideas: reading a naturally formatted Bible, reading at length, and having unmediated discussions about it together. By simply reading and then gathering once per week in ‘book club’ style groups, our congregation will have a place to voice their questions, talk about their concerns, and celebrate ‘aha!’ moments together.


Each Immerse experience is designed to take our congregation through a significant portion of the Bible in eight or sixteen weeks. By setting aside a few weeks twice per year for a focused Bible reading campaign, our church can read through all six volumes together – the entire Bible – in just three years. 


Immerse begins its three-year journey through the Bible with the Messiah volume. Reading the entire Bible is a new challenge for most people, so it would be best to begin with the most familiar part, the New Testament. This also helps reinforce that Jesus is the center of the whole biblical narrative. After that, our congregation can delve into the five volumes that cover the First (Old) Testament, getting the crucial backstory that Jesus was born into.  We have already read together Messiah (The New Testament), Beginnings (The first 5 books of the Old Testament), and Kingdoms (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel-Kings).  Our next volume is Prophets which will cover Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Minor Prophets. As one of the larger books, we will take sixteen weeks to read through it.


The only cost for this is the purchase price of the Immerse Reading Bible. The congregation will order them in bulk and distribute them, saving on shipping and receiving a bulk discount. The cost per copy will be $14.00


Click here to download the Quick Start Bookmark, which includes a list of the readings for the entire sixteen week journey.


Time Involved

4 Conversation Starters
5 days a week What stood out to you this week?
20-30 minutes per day Was there anything confusing or troubling?
1 hour per week Did anything make you think differently about God?
8 or 16 weeks How might this change the way we live?
2 times per year