Experience the Bible like Never Before

Restored format, fresh conversations. Join us on an authentic journey through God’s Word..


Welcome to Immerse. Imagine if our entire church was regularly immersed in the Bible—reading at length without distractions and discovering God’s Story together. Immerse: The Reading Bible is designed to take churches through the whole Bible together, using a new reading Bible format supported by fresh “book club” conversations. It’s not a Bible study. It’s ultimately an invitation to a vibrant, transformative relationship with God and with each other through his Word.


How does it work?


          1. A Bible Made for Reading

          2. Unmediated Discussions

          3. Continuous Rhythm




1. A Bible Made for Reading

Immerse: The Reading Bible is a six-volume Bible created with one goal in mind: to provide the best reading experience possible. The text is laid out in a beautiful single-column setting with chapters, verses, section headings, and footnotes removed, and with the content of each book displayed according to its literary genre.


This unique reading Bible will serve as the basis for our church’s journey through the Scriptures. Our church will use it to read through large portions of the Bible—the New Testament or the Torah, for example—in eight or sixteen week cycles.


2. Unmediated Discussions

As our church reads through this new Bible, we will invite each other to talk about it in a new way. Once a week, community groups will engage in “book club” discussions, simply talking about what they’ve read in honest, unmediated conversations.

It’s intentionally uncomplicated. There are no right or wrong answers and no workbooks. Instead, our church will talk through questions like, “What stood out to you this week?” or “Was there anything confusing or troubling?”



3. Continuous Rhythm

This isn’t meant to be a one-time experience. Rather, Immerse enables our church to follow a regular communal Bible reading rhythm. By reading together twice a year, your church can read through all six volumes—the entire Bible—in three years . . .

. . . and then begin again. You can make regular immersion in the Scriptures a central piece of our church’s identity. Our church will get swept up in the story together and we can be transformed together.